A mastermind is when more than one person works together to achieve the results desired. This is a mastermind 12-week mastermind, I mentor and help you remove your blocks to living your highest potential.
We meet on Zoom once a week. The contents are below:
Introduction – also used as the invitation to the course. |
To refresh your memory, why you joined. |
Self-Determination & Self-Sufficiency through Self-assessment, Self-Knowledge & Self-Image |
Knowing self is strength & wisdom |
Waking Up to your own direct connection to the Divine |
To choose to accept that you are a spirit having a human experience and not a human having a spiritual experience. |
Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Inner Child.Part 3.1 What are our deepest core wounds? What is pain? What is healing Negative Love and The Inner Child. |
Accept Your Inner Child as your lifelong companion |
Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Inner Child.Part3.2 Identifying Fathers Traits & Patterns in yourself that you want to transform Identifying Mothers Traits & Patterns in yourself that you want to transform |
Identify what traits and characteristics you want to transform and what you want to keep. |
Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Inner Child.Part 3.3. Healing the mother and father wounds in Yourself & your family lineage
Develop your self-compassion and forgiveness of your mother, father and yourself. |
Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Part 4 – Sexual wounds at different age Ages: 0-1 ½, 1 ½ - 3, 3-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-40, 40 -65, +65 |
Healing personal sexual wounds from conception to 65 through learning forgiveness, self-compassion and self-acceptance |
Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Part 5–Money wounds of different ages: ages 0-1 ½, 1 ½ - 3, 3-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-40, 40 -65, +65 |
Healing personal money wounds through forgiveness, self-compassion, self-acceptance |
The power of the mind, your words, prayers, gratitude and forgiveness. |
To Hold lightly to your stories and enable you to imagine your goals in 3D & 5D |
The Divine and Developing a Good Relationship with Money. Make Peace with Money using the Full Court of Atonement, SRT and Dr David Hawkin’s Map of Consciousness.
Develop that your relationship with money is a reflection of your relationship with The Divine/The Beloved. Clearing & Healing Universal – Money Wounds |
How to sustain what you have learnt and Your Next Steps. · Self-employment · The Power of Compound Interest |
Making passive income is easy if you trust the source (and trust me for introducing you to the source)
Wrap-Up – it will be all about : · Final assessment of self · Feed Back The Feedback completed is to be sent to me latest day 77, the day before we our last 1-on-1. |
Go through The Final Assessment & Feed Back. |