1-on-1 Mastermind - Authentic Financial Freedom through Spiritual Awak – For Single and Savvy Moms
1-on-1 Mastermind - Authentic Financial Freedom through Spiritual Awakening

1-on-1 Mastermind - Authentic Financial Freedom through Spiritual Awakening

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A mastermind is when more than one person works together to achieve the results desired. This is a mastermind 12-week mastermind, I mentor and help you remove your blocks to living your highest potential.

We meet on Zoom once a week. The contents are below:

Introduction – also used as the invitation to the course.

To refresh your memory, why you joined.

Self-Determination & Self-Sufficiency through Self-assessment, Self-Knowledge & Self-Image

Knowing self is strength & wisdom

Waking Up to your own direct connection to the Divine  

To choose to accept that you are a spirit having a human experience and not a human having a spiritual experience. 

Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Inner Child.Part 3.1

What are our deepest core wounds?

 What is pain?

What is healing

Negative Love and The Inner Child. 

Accept Your Inner Child as your lifelong companion

Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Inner Child.Part3.2

 Identifying Fathers Traits & Patterns in yourself that you want to transform

 Identifying Mothers Traits & Patterns in yourself that you want to transform 

Identify what traits and characteristics you want to transform and what you want to keep.

Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Inner Child.Part 3.3. Healing the mother and father wounds in Yourself & your family lineage


Develop your self-compassion and forgiveness of your mother, father and yourself.

Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Part 4 – Sexual wounds at different age

Ages: 0-1 ½, 1 ½ - 3, 3-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-40, 40 -65, +65

Healing personal sexual wounds from conception to 65 through learning forgiveness, self-compassion and self-acceptance

Exploring Your Inner Wounds. Part 5–Money wounds of different ages:

ages 0-1 ½, 1 ½ - 3, 3-5, 5-12, 12-18, 18-40, 40 -65, +65

Healing personal money wounds through forgiveness, self-compassion, self-acceptance

The power of the mind, your words, prayers, gratitude and forgiveness.

To Hold lightly to your stories and enable you to imagine your goals in 3D & 5D

The Divine and Developing a Good Relationship with Money.

 Make Peace with Money using the Full Court of Atonement, SRT and Dr David Hawkin’s Map of Consciousness.


Develop that your relationship with money is a reflection of your relationship with The Divine/The Beloved.

 Clearing & Healing Universal – Money Wounds

How to sustain what you have learnt and Your Next Steps.

·       Self-employment

·       The Power of Compound Interest

Making passive income is easy if you trust the source (and trust me for introducing you to the source)


Wrap-Up – it will be all about :

·       Final assessment of self

·       Feed Back The Feedback completed is to be sent to me latest day 77, the day before we our last 1-on-1. 


Go through The Final Assessment & Feed Back.