Welcome. Thank you for being here. You are about have an experience a 10-minute NegativeEnergy Clearing using SRT.
SRT, the short for subconscious release technique is an energy clearing technology which instantly clears mental and emotional blocks in the Subconsconscious mind and energy field. It will release programs/beliefs caused by past traumas both big and small. 80% of our belief system is formed by the age of 18. My job is to help people remove their fear-based programs that are detrimental to create wealth and be prosperous.
However, for now, all you need is follow me and the vibrations of my voice. SRT is breathwork and holding your breath is an important element. In this audio now, we will be using what SRT practioners call Blank/General/Umbrella release.
"I release all positive and negative emotional blocks with ............... "