This program is also known as Luck is not with me.
The Fillers are:
- I am so HGT that ………. My supply is endless, inexhaustible, immediate and comes to me under grace in perfect ways
- I am so HGT that ……………when wealth comes to me, I know it is in direct result of the service I render to other people
- I am so HGT that ……………I have more than enough of everything I need
- I am so HGT that ……….. I am grateful for everything I receive
- I am so HGT that ………that I release every block that holds me back from receiving
- I am so HGT that ………I can and will pursue all of my dreams
- I am so HGT that …… I am safe and loved
- I am so HGT that …. I am in alignment with God’s will