In SRT, The Subconscious Release Technique, we always use Fillers after release of programs.
These are to be used after you release core money beliefs.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I am open to receive more than I can imagine, love, abundance and support.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I have a grateful heart that keeps attracting all the things I deeply desire.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I receiving better than I can imagine, in all areas of my life.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful for the wealth that keeps coming into my life.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I feel happy and fulfilled in providing for my loved ones.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I have more than enough of everything that I need.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful for this magnificent flow of great and inexhaustible abundance in all areas of my life.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful I am extremely prosperous.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that abundance and prosperity is attracted to me, and I am attracted to them.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful because good and positive things continue to happen in my life.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I have a grateful heart that keeps attracting all the things that I deeply desire.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I deserve to be prosperous in everything I do.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful for everything that comes to me as a blessing from the Universe.
Let us take a short pause from repeating fillers. And continue to feel the frequency of vibrations in your body. I will continue with the bell.
Let us continue:
I am so happy, grateful and thankful money comes to me in increasing qualities on a continual basis from multiple sources.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful my actions create constant wealth, prosperity and abundance.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful for my wealth mind set.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful I always have more than enough money.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful I release every block that holds me back from receiving.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that wealth flows to me from all directions
I am so happy, grateful and thankful I generously share my wealth.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful my riches are forever increasing as I give more of myself in service to the world.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I love money and money loves me,
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I am an attractive and irresistible magnet for money.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful money is simply an energy that allows me freedom
I am so happy, grateful and thankful money loves to be around me and multiply.
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that money is my obedient servant
I am so happy, grateful and thankful that I have a wonderful business in a wonderful way and I give wonderful service for a wonderful pay.